
A leaf should know which tree it belongs to.

Professor Fritjof Helmchen (Postdoc Mentor) 

Brain Research Institute

University of Zurich


Professor Mriganka Sur (Postdoc mentor)

Paul E. and Lilah Newton Professor of Neuroscience

Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences

Director, Simons Center for the Social Brain, MIT


Professor Ole Paulsen (Doctoral thesis advisor)

Chair of Physiology (1883)

Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience

University of Cambridge 


Professor Upinder Bhalla (Research Assistant)

Professor of Computational Neuroscience

National Centre for Biological Sciences


Other GFPs (Guide, Friend, Philosopher)

Professor Zoltán Molnár 

Professor of Developmental Neuroscience

Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics

University of Oxford


Professor Dhrubojyoti Chattopadhyay

Guha Professor and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)

Department of Biochemistry

University of Calcutta