
•    Guest Lecturer, Neuronal Circuits and Behavior Course, Department of Cell Biology & Neuroscience, Universidade de Coimbra, 2017
•    Guest Lecturer, Neuronal Disorder Course, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome 2017
•    Teaching Assistant, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Starting 2017
•    Tutor, BIO628 Neuroscience Course MD, PhD Programme, University of Zürich, 2016
•    Tutor, BIO434 Electrophysiological Recording Techniques Course, University of Zürich, 2015
•    Teaching Assistant, EMBO Two-photon imaging of Brain Function Course, Munich, Sept. 2015

During Fall 2014- Spring 2015, I taught an advanced undergraduate course (Building Blocks of Neural Networks: Synapses and Circuits in Health and Neuropsychiatric Disease) at Harvard University. You can find the abstract here


Previous Course: Fall 2014 (Sept-Dec)

Together with Dr. Richard Cho, I tought an undergraduate seminar course (7.346 Fine-Tuning the Synapse: Synaptic Functions and Dysfunction) at Department of Biology, MIT. You can find the abstract here