INI Masters Apéro talk

July 19, 2018

Institute of Neuroinformatics

Master's Apéro

TITLE: Scales and abstraction in studying the brain

ABSTRACT: Perceptual decision-making involves multiple cognitive maps across distributed brain areas. It is less clear which brain regions are essential and how changes in neural coding flexibly re-maps deconstructing aspects of ethologically-relevant animal behaviour. Over the last decade, the field of Neuroscience together with information sciences saw some groundbreaking discoveries that help shape our understanding of the brain - however, many challenges still remain. In this talk, I will highlight such challenges and argue that linking our understanding at micro-, meso- and macrocircuits could help us bridge some aspects of this gap between molecules, synapses, circuits, and emerging behaviour. Based on this, I will also argue for a new conceptual cognitive framework to understand pathophysiology in complex neuropsychiatric brain disorders. Finally, I will also share my experience on being a nomad scientist​ navigating my way through academia in three continents.

WHEN: Monday, July 30th, 6 pm

WHERE: Elk room, Building Y55